

During the Great Recession in New York, young Bryant forges his identity in an era of dichotomies — the scholarship boy in a prep school, the Christian boy dating an ivy-league student, and a fencer with a bone to pick.
During the Great Recession in New York, young Bryant forges his identity in an era of dichotomies — the scholarship boy in a prep school, the Christian boy dating an ivy-league student, and a fencer with a bone to pick.
After his father's heart attack, an aspiring cop in 1989 Bronx defers his dream to take over the family’s sports betting business.
After his father’s heart attack, an aspiring cop in 1989 Bronx defers his dream to take over the family’s sports betting business.
In the wake of the “Go Fuck Yourself Act” — a draconian new law that tatters the social safety nets of the modern world — a new startup employee fresh off of suicide watch micro doses on acid in place of her antidepressants.
In the wake of the “Go Fuck Yourself Act” — a draconian new law that tatters the social safety nets of the modern world — a new startup employee fresh off of suicide watch micro doses on acid in place of her antidepressants.
Julissa and Tiffany, two best friends from the Lower East Side, rob frilly new gentrification cafés to make ends meet.
Julissa and Tiffany, two best friends from the Lower East Side, rob frilly new gentrification cafés to make ends meet.
In this never before told and fearless documentary, Eleanor (starring me) tackles female friendship on her journey to Instagram influencing and self-actualization in the brackish waters of adulthood in New York.
In this never before told and fearless documentary, Eleanor (starring me) tackles female friendship on her journey to Instagram influencing and self-actualization in the brackish waters of adulthood in New York.

rebirth of rabbit's foot


rebirth of rabbit's foot

Rebirth of Rabbit’s Foot is a vaudeville-inspired hip hop comedy show written by me and Jordon Waters.

Three friends — Jay, Ray, and Ted — fed up with the vicious cycle of auditioning for canned POC roles, find inspiration in the works of vaudeville pioneer Pat Chappelle. As the show grows to wider audiences, vaudeville’s history of appropriation by wealthy and white patrons rears its ugly head.

Rabbit’s Foot completed a two-year residency at the PIT NYC then traveled to many theaters, including Mixed Blood Theater in Minneapolis and Boom! Chicago in Amsterdam.




music videos



Stephen @ Feinstein's 54 Below


Congrats! You made it this far. I’m Stephen. I write. I joke. I film. I’m based in my hometown, New York. Catch me at some local open mics telling a joke or reading a poem. Hell, I might be in a local play or shooting a short.

Accessibility’s a big deal to me. The majority of the world is working-class, yet I don’t see enough of our stories. I’m a first-gen college student, graduating from Macalester College in 2014 with a BA in Creative Writing. Afterward, I served in AmeriCorps in the Twin Cities teaching filmmaking to teens. When I returned to New York, I pursued an MFA in Screenwriting at Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema.

If my work caught your eye or you’d like to see my scripts, shoot me an email/tweet/carrier pigeon, etc.
